Tuesday 28 October 2014

Intentions | Development

My digital prints came out exactly how I wanted them to, and in some cases a lot better. Although I intended to work on them further in the print room, I found some of them to be lovely enough on their own. This made me wonder whether I should just stick to digital printing...
I screen printed on a few of my samples just to see what the outcome would be, as this might also come out better than I expected. Although there are two prints which I do think were reasonably successful, overall I think the pigment dye on top of light fabrics is too heavy, especially in comparison to the detailed print in the background.

I have decided to now only aim to produce digital prints as this seems to be where my strength lies. Although everything is still mostly screen printed, digital printing is definitely coming through and will probably take over in the future. Even now Photoshop is used to create the separations for screen printing, so developing my digital skills will not go a miss. However, I am still comforted by the fact I can take my designs into the print room if I need to.
On the topic of digital designs, I played around with masks a lot this week. I do like how things came out however the collection as a whole is looking a bit too similar. I want my prints to tie in together but also have some aspects of individuality, which I dont feel they have at the minute. They currently blend into eachother rather than compliment eachother. I'm going to head back into photoshop to come up with some new designs, and also do some more drawings to work with.

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