Thursday 19 December 2013

Print | Week 2

This week in print, we brought in our own prepared and found papers.
Our task was to respond to our drawings from last week by hole punching our papers, and working with the word 'dot'. I found this task interesting even though it was rather fiddly and time consuming. I only managed to complete 3 drawings rather than the 10 I did last week. However they are much more detailed and colourful. I wasn't as happy with my outcomes this week. I used a mixture of magazines, newspaper and my own painted papers which makes the colours look a bit childish, there is no colour palette chosen. I would have preferred if I had picked a few colours and worked with them only. 

Monday 16 December 2013

Print | 100 metre drawing interpretation

Our task for this week was to do our own interpretation of the 100 metre drawing we did last week with the vinyl. My idea didn't end up being 100 metres, however I really like how the drawings I did turned out. 
I used around 200 cotton buds and arranged them into a regulated rectangle form. Once I had taken photos I rearranged them into different positions and drew them, similar to what we did last week. I also experimented with picking a handful of cotton buds up and dropping them onto the page and drawing the outcome. 

If I were to do these drawings again I would experiment with different tools and possibly different drawing media, such as pastels or pencils. Here I used mainly black and white ink.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Print | Week 1

This week I started working in Print.
The first drawing task we were given was really interesting. We were put into groups and each group was given a sheet of vinyl that has been stuck to the wall. The vinyl was cut into tiny 1mm strips and we had to peel it off the wall and place it back on in a different way. We were given the word 'Unravel' to work around.
These are some of the drawings I made from what we created.

After this, we were then given the word 'rearrange' and were told to make another drawing using the same materials by moving them around. I really liked the outcome of this drawing day and I think my team worked really well in deciding what to do with the vinyl. I like the drawings I have created this week as they are different to anything I have drawn before.

Sunday 8 December 2013

Feedback Week Task

During feedback week we were given the task to go to a museum and use the words Mapping and Measuring as starting points for our drawings. Me and some friends went to the Museum of Science and Industry.

I decided to try and map the journey by using pictures I took on the way there. Originally I started to only draw the photographs in order of when I saw them. However then I decided to integrate images from inside the museum as well. I did this because instead of looking at the day in sections I decided to look at the journey as a whole. One of my reasons for doing this was the compositions became much more interesting as I could choose what I was drawing from a selection of photos.

After this I began to think about the way I look at the objects in the museum. Firstly I realized I tend to focus on the center of an object, and then gradually look at the rest but in less detail than the center. This is usually because this is where the main part is. However then I thought about objects with a lot of detail everywhere. I tend to start at the center and then move my eyes in a clockwise direction to look at everything.


Discussing Textile Worlds

This week we were put into groups in order to share our experiences of our different textile worlds.
I found this task incredibly helpful. I am going into Print next week, and was placed with two people who have just finished their unit of Print. This was especially useful as I got to see two examples of Print work rather than just one, which gave me a better understanding of what sort of work will be expected of me.

One thing I was informed of which is particularly important for me is that when you miss work it is hard to catch up on. I am terrible for leaving things until the last minute which I did eventually improve in the last unit. However now I know that I have to keep on work from the very start.  Another piece of useful information I was told was that the print room gets booked up very fast, so in order to get enough time to make my samples I need to book early.

I generally found the session beneficial, as I learned the general schedule of print and what I will be expected to do each week. I liked the work I was shown by my peers so I look forward to creating my own samples. Furthermore I feel more prepared than I was before embroidery, as no one had done it before and didn't know what was coming. Also, I found the exchange of information between me and peers a lot more beneficial than the information we are given off the tutors, as it is more personal and is the point of view of someone my age.