Wednesday 30 October 2013

Embroidery | Week 2

This week we were taught 2 new techniques: Hair Pinning and Tailor Tacking. We were also inducted on the Tufting Machines and so could use this technique too.
I really like all of these techniques and I find them easy to do. One of my favourite aspects of each is that there are so many variations of each that you can create, meaning there can be hundreds of different outcomes. As a result of this I found this week's 15 samples a lot more enjoyable to create, because I had more ideas.
Another reason I enjoyed these techniques is because previously I have never used machine feet other than a straight foot and a darling foot. I found it interesting to use machine feet that I'd never used before.
Although I feel I have improved a lot on last weeks samples, there is still room for improvement with these ones too. However I am a lot happier with my samples overall this week.

Here are three of my samples that included the Hair-Pinning technique. All were carried out the same way yet the outcomes are totally different, which I really like. It is all down to using different materials and threads. Hair-Pinning is one of my favourite techniques to use as I really like the effect it creates. I think there are still many ways to experiement with it which I look forward to trying.
This is one of my samples using the Tufting machine. It was quite intimidating at first but I eventually got the hang of it. I found Hair Pinning and Tailor Tacking were easier to come up with ideas for, which is why more of my samples use those techniques. However Tufting can be very effective, I especially like it when the threads are cut down closer to the fabric. I added to this tufting with straight stitch and Tailor Tacking.

I really like Tailor Tacking, particularly when it is used with gradual threads. I experimented with gradual threads with this technique and then I found it hard to stop using the two together because I like the outcome so much. This is my favourite sample of Tailor Tacking, I think it worked well because it is based on one of my drawings.

This is one of my favourite samples from this week. This includes both Tailor Tacking and Hair Pinning. Again I've used the gradual threads because I think it adds more to the sample in comparison to one-coloured threads. Furthermore, the gradual thread I chose comes out with a hint of purple when placed against black fabric, adding a tiny bit of colour which I really like.

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