Sunday 26 January 2014

Print | Week 4

This week I have continued to develop my drawings as I felt a little limited with the ones I had.
I felt a bit stuck with my idea of data so I did some research and found Karen Scott. She is a mandala artist who believes that she can express herself without words or even thoughts. She says that a story can be told within the circle. Her use of the circle shape is also useful as I want my designs to be rather circular orientated. I feel like they are easy to put together and work effectively. This brought me to think of another artist.
Beatriz Milhazes was an artist that many of my peers in A level Textiles worked with so when I was thinking about circular patterns and bright colours and print motifs her work came to mind.
I particularly like her work because of the bright colours. I like to use a lot of colour myself rather than only sticking to different shades of the same colour. Also, the way her designs are layered appealed to me as that effect can be easily created in the print room using a screen, but also in digital and hand designs.

Based on the research I collected I started drawing. In AS Psychology my teacher claimed that doodles can be read as being what the person is thinking about at the time or something that is on their mind. I thought this could count as data because it is information about the person drawing, linking to Karen Scott's theory and work. This also put me in mind of Sally's Lecture on data, where she said that the data might not be able to be read by everybody which is what I want to achieve.
From this starting point, I drew in my sketchbook at different times of day and collected drawings from when I was in different moods. Aspects changed such as tiredness, happiness, stress etc.



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