Tuesday 23 December 2014

Locating | Cliff Briggie

I started a Pinterest board in order to get my ideas together for the Locating unit.

While researching on Pinterest I stumbled across an artist I'd never heard of before, Cliff Briggie.
His work instantly drew my eye as it is very unique and mesmerizing. Some of his works look like moving smoke, splattered paint or stirred water. I have developed a real admiration for his work and will no doubt be taking inspiration from his pieces.

Although I haven't photographed moving water directly I did photograph inks merging through the perspective of an over head projector. 
Briggie's work has inspired me to look more into water and the blending of colours, as they create an unpredictable and delicate outcome similar to that of the colours in an iris. I have bought some marbling inks to play around with and see what I can create. I really like the fact that the results will be volatile and uncontrollable to a certain extent. I usually have a lot of control over my drawing so this will be something for me to experiment with.

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