Monday 22 September 2014

Summer Feedback

Today we had a group feedback session on our summer work.
I felt that this has helped me a lot as the girls I was put with were really helpful yet critical and we all gave each other plenty of ideas to work from.
My main points from the crit were that I need to experiment with more media and take more risks. I knew this already but I am glad that it was pointed out because hopefully it will make me push my boundaries that little bit more. I also need to become more loose with my drawings, I tend to be too neat and detailed in everything I do because otherwise I feel like I haven't tried hard enough. However when I look at other people's work which I find amazing they sometimes say it took two minutes and was really easy. For me that's the biggest point I need to improve on.
Other than that I was complimented on my use of colour and my use of mirroring. They said that my theme throughout was strong and although I experimented with different things they were all connected somehow, through watercolour etc. 
I am going to continue with the work I have been doing already but head in the direction of Urban Influences. I really need to do some primary research to work from as this was also something I neglected over summer. 

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