Sunday 22 May 2016

Unit X Evaluation

I chose to complete a project that is very different to projects I have done previously for Unit X. My usual method of working beings with visual research which then leads to print designs and basic fashion illustrations, demonstrating how they would be used. For this project I decided to do a continuation of my Practice Unit prints, by creating digital images to be used in a lookbook that represent how my prints would be worn, used and marketed. This has been very beneficial to me in terms of understanding my context as I have had to thoroughly research high street garments and promotional imagery. As a result I have a much more detailed understanding of the customer my work will be targeting in the future, and I hope that this has become evident in my portfolio.

Although the images I have created are perhaps more artistic and less photographic than the ones currently used in advertising, I did find evidence of more obvious editing appearing in high street promotional campaigns. I believe that this will only increase in the future and images like mine could be more widely used commercially. Regardless, the imagery I have created could also have many other contexts rather than just advertising for a high street market. The artistic nature of my images enables them to be used individually for either artistic images/illustrations or in fact prints for fashion themselves.

The work I have produced this unit has benefitted me greatly as it has progressed my drawing and CAD skills massively from where I believe they were before this project. I trust that these two key abilities are transferable back into print designing and my work will be able to show that I have a high level of skill in both of these areas. My hope is that my lookbook images will enhance my portfolio and help me to stand out during an interview process.

The creation of the lookbook itself not only gained me experience in another digital software – InDesign – but also made me challenge myself when it came to spatial awareness within a piece of work. I tired to consider layout and cohesion when creating the document, in order to  make it appear as a legitimate publication. Although I am happy with the outcome, I do believe that I could make positive changes and developments had I had more time. I also struggled with wanting to incorporate my original theme of distortion contrasting with appealing to the intended context of a high street market.

In conclusion I am happy with the direction I chose to go in for Unix X. The goal was to challenge myself and I believe that I have achieved this. I am content with the fact I have tried something new in my last project at university, while I know I can still do so.